㊗️ Japanese “Congratulations” Button Emoji
㊗️ Copy & Paste
㊗️ | Noto Color Emoji 16.0 |
㊗️ Related Emojis
The ㊗️ emoji is often associated with the following emojis:
㊗️ Meaning and Usage
The "Japanese "congratulations" button" emoji ㊗️ represents the Japanese kanji for "congratulations" or "celebration" (祝). It is often used to express congratulations, celebrate special occasions, or to acknowledge achievements within the context of Japanese culture or in a more general sense.
Emoji name: Japanese “congratulations” button
Tags: button | congratulations | ideograph | Japanese
㊗️ Chat Examples
㊗️ Images
Check out how the emoji appears on different devices and platforms:
㊗️ Emoji Support and Compatibility
Android 4.3
Windows 8.0
㊗️ Image History
MicrosoftMozillaOpenMojiTwitter / X |
㊗️ Word Associations with the "Japanese “Congratulations” Button" Emoji
The ㊗️ is often associated with: well wishes, cheers, good luck, kudos, festive, applaud, celebration, felicitation and joyfulness.
㊗️ Japanese “Congratulations” Button Emoji In Most Popular Languages
Discover the name of this emoji in various languages:
Language | Emoji Name |
Arabic | الزر /تهانينا/ باليابانية |
Chinese | 日文的“祝贺”按钮 |
Chinese (Traditional) | 祝 |
French | bouton félicitations en japonais |
German | Schriftzeichen für „Gratulation“ |
Hindi | जापानी “बधाई” बटन |
Italian | ideogramma giapponese di “Congratulazioni” |
Japanese | 祝マーク |
Korean | 원 안의 축하 표의문자 |
Portuguese | botão japonês de “parabéns” |
Spanish | ideograma japonés para "enhorabuena" |
Turkish | Japonca "tebrikler" düğmesi |
Looking for more translations? Check out the ㊗️ Japanese “Congratulations” Button emoji in over 100 languages | |
Source: Unicode Common Locale Data Repository (CLDR) v46 |
㊗️ Emoji Codes for Developers
Shortcode (Discord) | :congratulations: | |
Shortcode (GitHub) | :congratulations: | |
Shortcode (Slack) | :congratulations: | |
HTML Dec | ㊗️ | |
HTML Hex | ㊗️ | |
CSS | \3297 \FE0F | |
C, C++ & Python | \u3297\uFE0F | |
Java, JavaScript & JSON | \u3297\uFE0F | |
Perl | \x{3297}\x{FE0F} | |
PHP & Ruby | \u{3297}\u{FE0F} | |
Punycode | xn--bjz | |
URL Escape Code | %E3%8A%97%EF%B8%8F |
㊗️ Unicode Data
Unicode Code Point(s) |
Unicode Version | Unicode 1.1 |
Emoji Version | Emoji 1.0 |
Proposals |