⛹️ Person Bouncing Ball Emoji

⛹️ Copy & Paste

Google (Noto Color Emoji 16.0)

Noto Color Emoji 16.0

⛹️ Related Emojis

The ⛹️ emoji is often associated with the following emojis:


⛹️ Meaning and Usage

The person bouncing ball emoji ⛹️ represents a person performing a bouncing motion, typically related to basketball. This emoji shows someone holding and dribbling a basketball. It's ideal for conversations about sports or basketball games, teamwork, or expressing playful activity.

Emoji name: person bouncing ball

Tags: athletic | ball | basketball | bouncing | championship | dribble | net | person | player | throw

⛹️ Chat Examples

  • Just finished an intense game at the court ⛹️🏀.
  • Can't wait for basketball practice tonight ⛹️⛹️‍♂️.
  • Who's up for a basketball match this weekend? ⛹️🚶‍♂️.
  • Let's dribble our stress away ⛹️💪.
  • Dreaming of slam dunks and three-pointers ⛹️.

⛹️ Images

Check out how the emoji appears on different devices and platforms:


Noto Color Emoji 16.0

Google (Noto Color Emoji 16.0)


Fluent Emoji - Color

Microsoft - Fluent Emoji (Color)


Fluent Emoji - Flat

Microsoft - Fluent Emoji (Flat)


OpenMoji 15.1

OpenMoji 15.1

Twitter / X

Twemoji 14.0

Twitter / X (Twemoji 14.0)


Noto Emoji 16.0

Google (Noto Emoji 16.0)

Your Browser

Default Emoji


⛹️ Gender Versions

There are two other gender versions besides the person bouncing ball emoji:

⛹️ Skin Tone Versions

The person bouncing ball emoji is also available in the following skin tone variants:

⛹️ Emoji Support and Compatibility


Android 6.0.1

⛹️ Image History


Android 4.3 Jelly Bean:

Android 4.4 KitKat:

Android 5.1 Lollipop:

Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow:

Android 7.1.1 Nougat:

Android 8.0 Oreo:

Android 9.0 Pie:

Android 10.0:

Android 11.0:

Android 12L:

Noto Color Emoji 15.0:

Noto Color Emoji 15.1:

Noto Color Emoji 16.0:

Noto Emoji 15.1:

Noto Emoji 16.0:



FxEmojis 1.7.9:


Twitter / X

⛹️ Word Associations with the "Person Bouncing Ball" Emoji

The ⛹️ is often associated with: one-on-one, play, dribbling, basketball, court activity, sports, team sports, ball games and fitness.

⛹️ Person Bouncing Ball Emoji In Most Popular Languages

Discover the name of this emoji in various languages:

LanguageEmoji Name
Arabicشخص وكرة
Chinese (Traditional)打球
Frenchpersonne avec ballon
GermanPerson mit Ball
Hindiगेंद से खेलता व्यक्ति
Italianpersona che fa rimbalzare una palla
Korean공을 갖고 있는 사람
Portuguesepessoa jogando basquete
Spanishpersona botando un balón
Turkishtop sektiren kişi
Source: Unicode Common Locale Data Repository (CLDR) v46

⛹️ Emoji Codes for Developers

Shortcode (Discord):person_bouncing_ball:
Shortcode (GitHub):bouncing_ball_person:
Shortcode (Slack):person_with_ball:
HTML Dec⛹️
HTML Hex⛹️
CSS\26F9 \FE0F
C, C++ & Python\u26F9\uFE0F
Java, JavaScript & JSON\u26F9\uFE0F
PHP & Ruby\u{26F9}\u{FE0F}
URL Escape Code%E2%9B%B9%EF%B8%8F

⛹️ Unicode Data

Unicode Code Point(s)
  • ⛹: U+26F9
  • Variation Selector-16: U+FE0F
Unicode VersionUnicode 5.2
Emoji VersionEmoji 1.0

