☦️ Orthodox Cross Emoji
☦️ Copy & Paste
☦️ | Noto Color Emoji 16.0 |
☦️ Related Emojis
The ☦️ emoji is often associated with the following emojis:
☦️ Meaning and Usage
The orthodox cross emoji ☦️ features a cross with three horizontal bars, the top representing the inscription above Jesus, the middle for His hands, and the slanted bottom showing His footrest. This symbol is mainly used in Eastern Orthodox Christianity and signifies faith and salvation. Often shared in messages about religious events, church ceremonies, or prayers, it represents Christian beliefs and spiritual reflection.
Emoji name: orthodox cross
Tags: Christian | cross | orthodox | religion
☦️ Chat Examples
☦️ Images
Check out how the emoji appears on different devices and platforms:
☦️ Emoji Support and Compatibility
Android 6.0.1
Windows 10
(First Release)
☦️ Image History
Android 4.3 Jelly Bean: ❌ Android 4.4 KitKat: ❌ Android 5.1 Lollipop: ❌ Android 10.0: ✅ Android 11.0: ✅ Android 12L: ✅ | MicrosoftMozillaFxEmojis 1.7.9: ❌ OpenMojiTwitter / X |
☦️ Word Associations with the "Orthodox Cross" Emoji
The ☦️ is often associated with: Byzantine, Orthodox Christianity, faith, tradition, Eastern Church, crucifixion, reverence, Russian Orthodox and emblem.
☦️ Orthodox Cross Emoji In Most Popular Languages
Discover the name of this emoji in various languages:
Language | Emoji Name |
Arabic | صليب أرثوزوكس |
Chinese | 东正教十字架 |
Chinese (Traditional) | 東正教十字架 |
French | croix orthodoxe |
German | orthodoxes Kreuz |
Hindi | ऑर्थडॉक्स क्रॉस |
Italian | croce ortodossa |
Japanese | 八端十字架 |
Korean | 전통적인 십자가 |
Portuguese | cruz ortodoxa |
Spanish | cruz ortodoxa |
Turkish | Ortodoks haçı |
Looking for more translations? Check out the ☦️ Orthodox Cross emoji in over 100 languages | |
Source: Unicode Common Locale Data Repository (CLDR) v46 |
☦️ Emoji Codes for Developers
Shortcode (Discord) | :orthodox_cross: | |
Shortcode (GitHub) | :orthodox_cross: | |
Shortcode (Slack) | :orthodox_cross: | |
HTML Dec | ☦️ | |
HTML Hex | ☦️ | |
CSS | \2626 \FE0F | |
C, C++ & Python | \u2626\uFE0F | |
Java, JavaScript & JSON | \u2626\uFE0F | |
Perl | \x{2626}\x{FE0F} | |
PHP & Ruby | \u{2626}\u{FE0F} | |
Punycode | xn--n4h | |
URL Escape Code | %E2%98%A6%EF%B8%8F |
☦️ Unicode Data
Unicode Code Point(s) |
Unicode Version | Unicode 1.1 |
Emoji Version | Emoji 1.0 |
Proposals |