๐ข Oden Emoji
๐ข Copy & Paste
๐ข | Noto Color Emoji 16.0 |
๐ข Related Emojis
The ๐ข emoji is often associated with the following emojis:
๐ข Meaning and Usage
The ๐ข emoji depicts oden, a traditional Japanese winter dish comprising various ingredients like fishcakes, tofu, and vegetables, stewed in a light, soy-flavored dashi broth. It's often associated with comfort food and is commonly found at convenience stores and street food stalls in Japan. Use this emoji when discussing Japanese cuisine, warm winter meals, or communal dining experiences.
Emoji name: oden
Tags: food | kebab | restaurant | seafood | skewer | stick
๐ข Chat Examples
๐ข Images
Check out how the emoji appears on different devices and platforms:
๐ข Emoji Support and Compatibility
Android 4.3
Windows 8.0
๐ข Image History
MicrosoftMozillaOpenMojiTwitter / X |
๐ข Word Associations with the "Oden" Emoji
The ๐ข is often associated with: vegetables, variety, meat, celebration, portable, flavor, snack, street food and grill.
๐ข Oden Emoji In Most Popular Languages
Discover the name of this emoji in various languages:
Language | Emoji Name |
Arabic | ุทุนุงู ู ุดูู |
Chinese | ๅ ณไธ็ ฎ |
Chinese (Traditional) | ้ๆฑ็ ฎ |
French | brochette de poisson |
German | Oden |
Hindi | เคเคกเฅเคจ |
Italian | oden giapponese |
Japanese | ใใงใ |
Korean | ์ค๋ |
Portuguese | oden |
Spanish | brocheta |
Turkish | oden |
Looking for more translations? Check out the ๐ข Oden emoji in over 100 languages | |
Source: Unicode Common Locale Data Repository (CLDR) v46 |
๐ข Emoji Codes for Developers
Shortcode (Discord) | :oden: | |
Shortcode (GitHub) | :oden: | |
Shortcode (Slack) | :oden: | |
HTML Dec | 🍢 | |
HTML Hex | 🍢 | |
CSS | \01F362 | |
C, C++ & Python | \U0001f362 | |
Java, JavaScript & JSON | \uD83C\uDF62 | |
Perl | \x{1F362} | |
PHP & Ruby | \u{1F362} | |
Punycode | xn--8i8h | |
URL Escape Code | %F0%9F%8D%A2 |
๐ข Unicode Data
Unicode Code Point(s) |
Unicode Version | Unicode 6.0 |
Emoji Version | Emoji 1.0 |
Proposals |