☝️ Index Pointing Up Emoji
☝️ Copy & Paste
☝️ | Noto Color Emoji 16.0 |
☝️ Meaning and Usage
The index pointing up emoji ☝️ depicts a single hand with the index finger pointing upward.
This emoji is often used to draw attention to a specific point, to indicate a number one, or to suggest that someone has an idea or wants to contribute to a conversation.
This emoji is often used to draw attention to a specific point, to indicate a number one, or to suggest that someone has an idea or wants to contribute to a conversation.
Emoji name: index pointing up
Tags: finger | hand | index | point | pointing | this | up
☝️ Chat Examples
- Hey, listen up, I have something important to say ☝️
- Remember, the main point is safety first! ☝️
- I have an idea! ☝️💡
☝️ Images
Check out how the emoji appears on different devices and platforms:
☝️ Skin Tone Versions
The index pointing up emoji is also available in the following skin tone variants:
☝️ Emoji Support and Compatibility
Android 4.4
Windows 8.0
☝️ Image History
MicrosoftMozillaOpenMojiTwitter / X |
☝️ Word Associations with the "Index Pointing Up" Emoji
The ☝️ is often associated with: top, attention, point up, first, high, emphasize, priority, notice and importance.
☝️ Index Pointing Up Emoji In Most Popular Languages
Discover the name of this emoji in various languages:
Language | Emoji Name |
Arabic | سبابة يشير لأعلى |
Chinese | 食指向上指 |
Chinese (Traditional) | 注意 |
French | index pointant vers le haut |
German | nach oben weisender Zeigefinger von vorne |
Hindi | ऊपर की ओर इशारा करती तर्जनी |
Italian | indice verso l’alto |
Japanese | 上指差し |
Korean | 위쪽을 가리키는 손 |
Portuguese | indicador apontando para cima |
Spanish | dedo índice hacia arriba |
Turkish | yukarıyı gösteren işaret parmağı |
Looking for more translations? Check out the ☝️ Index Pointing Up emoji in over 100 languages | |
Source: Unicode Common Locale Data Repository (CLDR) v46 |
☝️ Emoji Codes for Developers
Shortcode (Discord) | :point_up: | |
Shortcode (GitHub) | :point_up: | |
Shortcode (Slack) | :point_up: | |
HTML Dec | ☝️ | |
HTML Hex | ☝️ | |
CSS | \261D \FE0F | |
C, C++ & Python | \u261D\uFE0F | |
Java, JavaScript & JSON | \u261D\uFE0F | |
Perl | \x{261D}\x{FE0F} | |
PHP & Ruby | \u{261D}\u{FE0F} | |
Punycode | xn--e4h | |
URL Escape Code | %E2%98%9D%EF%B8%8F |
☝️ Unicode Data
Unicode Code Point(s) |
Unicode Version | Unicode 1.1 |
Emoji Version | Emoji 1.0 |
Proposals |