🌥️ Sonne hinter großer Wolke Emoji

🌥️ Kopieren & Einfügen

Google (Noto Color Emoji - Unicode 15.1)

Noto Color Emoji (Unicode 15.1)

🌥️ Bedeutung: Was bedeutet dieses Emoji?

The "sun behind large cloud" emoji 🌥️ depicts a yellow sun partially obscured by a large, fluffy cloud. This emoji conveys a mix of cloudy and partly sunny weather conditions. It's often used to express a slight gloom or the hope that the sun will come out from behind the clouds. It can also symbolize a situation or mood that is mostly positive with some minor issues.


  • Looks like it's going to be a partly cloudy day. Good for a walk, maybe? 🌥️🚶‍♀️
  • Can't believe it's already cooling down a bit, this weather is so unpredictable 🌥️🌡️
  • Feeling a bit under the weather but trying to stay positive. 🌥️😷

Unicode CLDR Emoji-Annotationen:

Emoji-Name: Sonne hinter großer Wolke

Tags: große Wolke | Sonne | Sonne hinter großer Wolke | Wetter | Wolke

Kategorien: 🌑 Himmel & Wetter

Das 🌥️-Emoji wird oft mit den folgenden Emojis assoziiert:

🌥️ Bilder


Noto Color Emoji 15.1

Google (Noto Color Emoji - Unicode 15.1)

Android 11

Google (Android 11.0)

Noto Emoji 15.0

Google (Noto Emoji - Unicode 15.0)

FxEmojis 1.7.9

Mozilla (FxEmojis v1.7.9)

OpenMoji 15.0

OpenMoji 15.0
Twitter / X

Twemoji 14.0

Twitter / X (Twemoji 14.0)

🌥️ Unterstützung
Android 6.0.1+

🌥️ Bilder-Historie


Android 4.3 Jelly Bean:
Android 4.4 KitKat:
Android 5.1 Lollipop:
Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow:
Android 7.1.1 Nougat:
Android 8.0 Oreo:
Android 9.0 Pie:
Android 10.0:
Android 11.0:
Android 12L:

Noto Emoji 15.0:
Noto Color Emoji 15.0:
Noto Color Emoji 15.1:


FxEmojis 1.7.9:


OpenMoji 13.1:
OpenMoji 14.0:

Twitter / X

Twemoji 2.3:
Twemoji 12.1.5:
Twemoji 13.1:
Twemoji 14.0:

🌥️ Emoji in anderen Sprachen

Arabischشمس خلف سحابة كبيرة
Chinesisch (traditionell)晴時多雲
Englischsun behind large cloud
Französischsoleil derrière un gros nuage
Italienischmolto nuvoloso
Koreanisch큰 구름 뒤의 태양
Spanischsol detrás de una nube grande
Türkischbulutta kaybolan güneş
🌥️ Emoji in über 100 Sprachen
Quelle: Unicode Common Locale Data Repository (CLDR) v43

🌥️ Unicode Data
Unicode Codepoint(s)🌥: U+1F325
Variation Selector-16: U+FE0F
Unicode-VersionUnicode 7.0
Emoji-VersionEmoji 1.0

🌥️ Emoji-Codes
Shortcode (Discord):white_sun_cloud:
Shortcode (GitHub):sun_behind_large_cloud:
Shortcode (Slack) - Deutsch:bedeckt:
HTML Dec🌥️
HTML Hex🌥️
CSS\01F325 \FE0F
C, C++ & Python\U0001f325\uFE0F
Java, JavaScript & JSON\uD83C\uDF25\uFE0F
PHP & Ruby\u{1F325}\u{FE0F}
URL Escape Code%F0%9F%8C%A5%EF%B8%8F